The three possible outcomes to resolving inner conflicts.
Tamara asked me to clarify Resolving Inner Conflict in Meditation my description of the possible outcomes of inner conflict resolution. These three possible outcomes are just ways that whatever inner conflict surfaces in meditation can reach a resolution. Thinking of it like rolling a die: there are six ways it can come up. You don't really have any control over which of those six ways actually come up, but once one of them has come up, the roll of the die is done, and you can go on to the next thing.
So one way that these inner conflicts can resolve is that you see what the conflict was, and you get this nice satisfying sense of understanding of why you were stuck, and that you are now unstuck. This is that sort of "aha" moment that we all wish for—sometimes you get it, and it's really nice.
Another way it can happen is that your deep mind has an "aha" moment, but it never percolates up to the surface. So you probably feel a sense that something has been resolved, but you don't know what it was—all you really know is that the next time you sit down, whatever it was that came up in meditation this time doesn't come up again.
And the third way that it can happen, which is actually pretty common, is that it resolves a little bit. You aren't done with it, but some healing has happened, and things are okay for now. You may know what it was that healed, or you may not. But again, this manifests in that when you sit down to meditate next time, whatever it was doesn't come up again.
When these resolutions happen, it's quite often the case that you get a strong sense of relief, and you just feel better. It doesn't always last, because there's probably more stuff to dig up, but over time the trend is that your mind gets happier, less cluttered, and more clear.